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Town of Rocky Mount Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Update

Rocky Mount, Virginia

Berkley Group recently facilitated a full update of the Town of Rocky Mount, Virginia’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. The project resulted in a contemporary, streamlined Ordinance that encourages mixed-use, housing, and commercial development. The Ordinance also incorporates community-identified priorities such as enhancing downtown vitality, addressing housing needs, walkability, preservation of historic character, and inclusion of landscaping and screening provisions.

The project began with a diagnostic of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. The diagnostic consisted of locality-specific assessments – which included an analysis of the Comprehensive Plan’s strategies and goals directly related to Zoning and Subdivision measures, and recommendations for corrective actions for Code compliance and inclusion of planning best practices. The project has included robust public engagement throughout, including stakeholder meetings, a public workshop, and a community survey during the investigation phase; worksessions open to the public during the drafting phase; and a public open house meeting to begin the adoption phase. Final project tasks included joint worksessions with the Planning Commission and Town Council to edit the drafted ordinance based on public feedback; Berkley Group also assisted with public hearings.

The updated Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance was adopted in the fall of 2024.


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              Bridgewater, Virginia 22812

Phone:    540-208-5188

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