Joseph S. Paxton
Executive Manager
Joe's professional experience spanned thirty-eight plus years with Rockingham County beginning with a management internship in January, 1978, and later served as purchasing and accounting officer, Director of Finance, Assistant County Administrator, and Deputy County Administrator. He was appointed County Administrator by the Board of Supervisors effective January 1, 2004, and served in this role until his retirement on July 1, 2016.
Joe is a member of several professional organizations, including a life member of the International City/County Management Association and Virginia Local Government Managers Association, and served as President of the Virginia Government Finance Officers Association in 1989. He received a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Political Science from James Madison University in 1978, and a Master of Business Administration degree from JMU with a concentration in Finance in 1983. He completed the Senior Executive Institute at UVA in 2000.